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Hey I added 16 gigs to my early 2011 MacBook Pro and did it ever-increasing performance. It was a slug till I changed over the ram. I'm sure you can get a lot of extra speed with a SSD but why spend the money when you can improve the speed for fraction of the cost.

Every time that I upgrade the OS the system seemed to slow down. It was placing so much into high memory on the ram that my machine was almost useless. Now the speed is right where I like it to be and I don't have any problems with it all.

Even the old problem of it searching the Wi-Fi every five seconds really is not problem. I bought the memory on Amazon and it was cheap and you can check on YouTube for instructions on how to replace it in your machine. My MacBook Pro and my iMac both have 16 gigs and the old iMac is a I5 and the MacBook Pro is a I7. Try the memory first it's cheap and then decide whether you want a SSD. You may discover that the SSD is not needed.

Good luck and happy repairs. Look in ApplicationsUtilities to launch System Profiler, then check HardwareMemory. Does the system recognize both 8G sticks, or only one? Alternately, does it report both sticks as 8GB? Unless you bought them new from the retailer as 2x8GB, they may not actually be what you think they are. Also, are both sticks DDR3 PC- MHz speed?

Faster RAM may not work correctly; slower RAM will not work at all. If both sticks of RAM are marked with the correct speed and the correct size, then one of the sticks may be defective, in which case they should be returned to the retailer/manufacturer for warranty replacement.

According to OWC, DDR3-1600 MHz RAM will work in 2011 Unibody MacBook Pros, although the speed will downscale to the 1333 MHz internal bus speed. 1600 MHz RAM will also work in 2011 iMacs.

Based on my experiments with earlier-gen laptops, I would advise installing 1600 MHz SODIMMs in pairs, rather than mixing 1333 and 1600 RAM; I suspect that timing issues arise from downscaling one stick while leaving the other one running at full speed. I've been looking at the 1600 option for my own 2011 MBP, as it will allow me to transfer the 16GB into a 2012 machine later on. Confirmed, currently Mac: Mac book pro 15inch early 2011 4gb dfr3 1067 MHz 204 pin; yes I have too upgraded to 16Gb of ram in this MacBook. Self installed the ram.

Note to users, make sure you discharge the compactors prior to attempting this with a Mac reset on the computer and ground your self and use anti static protection as to not damage the computer. Make sure the memory is fully seated. Power up the computer and boot to your home page and check memory to verify after install by going to about this Mac to see the new installed ram number. Putting 16GB of RAM in a computer is not like dropping a 600HP Hemi in a car It's more like adding a towing package to a car, truck or SUV if you're already pulling a big load a tow package (e.g. More RAM) helps get the job done more efficiently. Does that make sense?

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If you were not using ( Applications used in content creation applications like PhotoShop, Illustrator, Final Cut Pro) before the switch, then no you'll not notice a change after. RAM determines how many applications and how much data the Mac can keep track of without having to read from or write to the storage medium (access VMEM which slows a process down). The speed of e-mail or web browsing or playing music will not noticeably change after Maxing RAM. The machine is already running those Apps as fast a human can detect, and the App allow. Those uses simply don't benefit from having 16GB RAM. @euchreyou - I would focus on doing some HD clean up first.

Your system slowing down implies the drive is getting full and the files are fragmented. Run Disk Utility from an external bootable drive, then run or some other cache & log cleaner. Then clean out as much junk you can. You want to have at least 1/4 of your drive free a smaller drive needs more (1/3). Once you have the free space run a good defragmenter app like:.

Once your drive is whipped back into shape you should see a big improvement! Brian, I do agree with part of your statement '8GB is enough for most people'.


I do take exception on your remark on Apple clearly stated 8GB is the limit. Apple's limit is based on day one of the models history not what memory modules came out later. While it's true Apple has not gone back to test the newer memory modules others have. In addition, some systems (Core2 Duo) do have a limit due to the CPU and the memory controller logic used in them.

Systems that can address more memory (i3/i5/i7) and the most current OS-X can leverage it. The last piece here is the application: not all apps can use all of this memory (nor need it).

Running different applications concurently can allow each running app all the memory each require. Having a single app having the ability to access all of this higher amount of RAM would need to be verified by that given app vendor. As an example CadCam can leverage this added RAM. VM's only confuses the issue here as the the memory limit of the VM's OS would need to be factored in and lastly, the number of VM's and why you are using VM's. Most people using a VM need to run Windows or UNIX/Linux to gain access to a given app and then the same story applies what is the limit of the OS & the app per that given VM. Then the CPU, storage (HD/SSD) and/or network performance becomes the performance limit.

The GPU is only reflecting the systems ability to process. So a bogged down system will encounter issues independent of the amount of RAM it has. People fail to consider all of the pieces and the balance of each element that makes a computer. Which is the bottom line here and I do agree with you on that point as well.

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